Her på siden finder du en liste over Center for Hjerneskades forskellige publikationer opdelt efter årstal.





Aktivitetsproblematikker hos personer med hjernerystelse
Stine Schjødt, Rikke Korsholm, Malene Andreasen 



Effects of computer-based cognitive rehabilitation on working memory in patients with acquired brain injury in the chronic phase, a pilot-study
Sandra Bruhn Pyke, Morten Tjoernlund, Frank Humle og Jesper Mogensen.
Brain Injury, 2022

Promising results from a residential rehabilitation intervention focused on fatigue and the secondary psychological and physical consequences of cardiac arrest: The SCARF feasibility study
Vicky L.Joshi, Lars HermannTang, Young JooKim, Mette Kirstine Wagner, Jørgen Feldbæk Nielsen, Morten Tjoernlund, Ann-Dorthe Zwisler.
Elsevier, 2022



Specialized interdisciplinary rehabilitation reduces persistent post-concussive symptoms: a randomized clinical trial
Objective: To compare the effectiveness of a specialized, interdisciplinary rehabilitation (S-REHAB) with standard care (STAND) for people with persistent post-concussive symptoms (PPCS > 6 month). Design: Randomized controlled trial. Participants: Eighty-nine adults.
(Reprints upon request)



Hand strengthening exercises in chronic stroke patients: Dose-response evaluation using electromyography
Jonas Vinstrup MSc, Joaquin Calatayud PhD, Markus D. Jakobsen PhD, Emil Sundstrup PhD, Jørgen R. Jørgensen BSc, Jose Casaña PhD, Lars L. Andersen PhD
Journal of Hand Therapy, 2017

The effect of phasic auditory alerting on visual perception The effect of phasic auditory alerting on visual perception Anders Petersen a, Annemarie Hilkjær Petersen b, Claus Bundesen a, Signe Vangkilde a, Thomas Habekost a
a Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
b Center for Rehabilitation of Brain Injury, Copenhagen, Denmark

Effects of high-intensity physical training on muscle fiber characteristics in post-stroke patients.
J.L. Andersen, PhD, J. R. Jørgensen, PT, MR, P. Zeeman, PT , D.T. Bech-Pedersen, PT , J. Sørensen, PT , I. Ara, PhD , L.L. Andersen, PhD. Muscle & Nerve, 2017

Electromyographic comparison of traditional machine exercise versus bodyweight exercises in chronic stroke patients.
Jonas Vinstrup, Joaquin Calatayud, Markus D. Jakobsen, Emil Sundstrup, Kenneth Jay, Mikkel Brandt, Peter Zeeman, Jørgen R. Jørgensen and Lars L. Andersen Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 2017



An Actor–Partner Interdependence Model of Acquired Brain Injury Patient Impairments and Caregiver Psychosocial Functioning: A Dyadic-Report, Multinational Study
Paul B. Perrin, Anne Norup, Alfonso Caracuel, Andrew Bateman, Morten Tjørnlund, Juan Carlos Arango-Lasprilla.
Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2016

Action research in rehabilitation with chronic stroke recovery: A case report with a focus on neural plasticity. 
Malene Pedersen, Tina H. Bundgaard, Peter Zeeman , Jørgen R. Jørgensen , Peter M.B. Sørensen, Hamza M. Berro and Bodil W. Larsson* Neurorehabilitation, 2016

Electromyographic comparison of elastic resistance versus machine exercise for high-intensity strength training in chronic stroke patients.
Jonas Vinstrup, Joaquin Calatayud, Markus D. Jakobsen, Emil Sundstrup, Kenneth Jay, Mikkel Brandt, Peter Zeeman, Jørgen R. Jørgensen, Lars L. Andersen Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2015





Time trend analysis of return to work after stroke in Denmark 1996–2006
Harald Hannerz, Ole S. Mortensen, Otto M. Poulsen, Frank Humle, Betina Holbæk Pedersen, Lars L. Andersen
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, 2012



PhD thesis – The impact of Feedback in Rehabilitation using Advanced Computer-based Technology.
Inge Wilms
Faculty of Social Science, 2011

A nationwide prospective cohort study on return to gainful occupation after stroke in Denmark 1996–2006 Harald Hannerz, Betina Holbæk Pedersen, Otto M Poulsen, Frank Humle, Lars L Andersen 
BMJ Open, 2011

Effects of intensive physical rehabilitation on neuromuscular adaptations in adults with poststroke hemiparesis.
Andersen, Lars L; Zeeman, Peter; Jørgensen, Jørgen R; Bech-Pedersen, Daniel T; Sørensen, Janne; Kjær, Michael; Andersen, Jesper L 
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2011



Study protocol to a nationwide prospective cohort study on return to gainful occupation after stroke in Denmark 1996 – 2006
Harald Hannerz, Ole S. Mortensen, Otto M. Poulsen, Frank Humle, Betina Holbæk Pedersen, Lars L. Andersen
BioMedCentral, 2010

Training of attention and memory deficits in children with acquired brain injury
N Madsen Sjö, S Spellerberg , S Weidner, M Kihlgren
Acta Pædiatrica, 2010

Indirect versus direct feedback in computer-based Prism Adaptation Therapy
Inge Wilms and Hana Malá
Neuropsychological Rehabiliotation, 2010

Effect of Intensive Outpatient Physical Training on Gait Performance and Cardiovascular Health in People With Hemiparesis After Stroke
Jørgen Roed Jørgensen, Daniel Thue Bech-Pedersen, Peter Zeeman, Janne Sørensen, Lars L. Andersen, Michael Schönberger
Physical Therapy, 2010

The Relationship Between Physical Fitness and Work Integration Following Stroke
Michael Schönberger,, Niels R. Hansen, Daniel T. Pedersen, Peter Zeeman, and Jørgen Roed Jørgensen
Brain Impairment, 2010



Zeeman, P (2009). Physiotherapy approaches with people with executive disorders. In Oddy, M & Woethington, A, The Rehabilitation of Executive Disorders - A Guide to Theory and Practice.

Caetano, C., Rous, B., Vink, M and Gracey, F. (In Preparation). A systematic review of  conceptual terms, assessment tools and rehabilitation approaches to  self and identity in brain injury rehabilitation.

Holm, S., Schonberger, M., Poulsen, I., &  Caetano, C. (2009) Patients and relatives experience of difficulties following severe traumatic brain injury: The sub-acute stage. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. Vol 19(3). 444-460.

Jensen, LR & Lønnberg, (2009) Return to work with aphasia: review of the literature and preliminary vocational outcome of an intensive rehabilitation programme ', 2nd Nordic Aphasia Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark , May 14th to 16th.







Christensen, A-L-, Svendsen, H. & Willmes, K. (2005). Subjective experience in brain-injured patients and their close relatives. In European Brain Injury Questionnaire Studies. Acta Neuropsychologica, 3, 60-68.

Christensen, A-L. & Humle, F. (2005). The holistic approach. In Dettmers & Weiller(Eds.), Update Neurologische Rehabilitation.  Hippocampus Verlag, pp. 3-15.







Teasdale, T.W., Jørgensen, O.S., Ripa, C., Nielsen, A.S., & Christensen, A-L (2000). Apolipoprotein E and subjective symptomatology following brain injury rehabilitation. In Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 10, 151-166.

Caetano, C. (2000). Neuropsychological assessment of acquired brain injury: Emphasis on changes in self definition and experience. In Brain Injury Source, 4, 1, 21-23.

Siert, L. (2000). A support person model: Maintaining people in the work market subsequent to acquired brain injury. In Brain Injury Source, 4, 1, 24-26. 



Christensen, A.-L. & Caetano, C. (1999). Luria´s neuropsychological evaluation in the Nordic countries. In Neuropsychological Review, 9, 71-78. 

Caetano, C & Christensen, A.-L- (1999). Outpatient/Day Patient Rehabilitation at the Centre for Rehabilitation of Brain Injury, Copenhagen, Denmark. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 9 (3), 447-456.

Caetano, C. & Christensen, A.-L., (1999). The CRBI at The University of Copenhagen: A participant-therapist perspective. In A-L Christensen & B. Uzzell (Eds.), International handbook of neuropsychological rehabilitation (pp. 259-272). New York: Kluwer Academic Press/Plenum Publishers.

Christensen, A.-L. (1999). Neuropsychological Rehabilitation. In A-L Christensen & B. Uzzell (Eds.), International Handbook of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation (pp. 151-163). New York: Kluwer Academic Press/Plenum Publishers.

Pinner, M. (1999). Central case management and postacute rehabilitation in Denmark. In A.-L. Christensen & B. Uzzell (Eds.), International Handbook of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation (pp. 339-352). New York: Kluwer Academic Press/Plenum Publishers.

Christensen, A.-L. & Caetano, C (1999). Neuropsychological rehabilitation in the interdisciplinary team: The post- acute stage. In D.T. Stuss, G. Winour & I.H. Robertson (Eds.), Cognitive neurorehabilitation: A comprehensive approach. (pp. 188-200). By: New York: Cambridge University Press.



Christensen, A.-L. (1998). Sheldon Berrol, MD. Sociological and cultural aspects in post-acute neuropsychological rehabilitation. In: Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 13, 79-86.

Christensen, A.-L. & Teasdale T.W. (1998). Rehabilitation assessment and planning for head trauma rehabilitation. In A. Puente, G. Goldstein & E.D. Bigler (Series Eds.), G. Goldstein & S.R. Beers (Vol. Eds.), Human brain funktion: Assessment and rehabilitation: Vol. 4. Rehabilitation (pp. 171-180). New York: Plenum Press.

Voogt, R.D., Teasdale, T.W., Patrick, P. & Carman, J. (1998). Reintegration into the family and the community following traumatic brain injury. In Neurorehabilitation, 11, 107-117.



Christensen, A-L. (1997). Communication in relation to self-esteem. In Aphasiology, 11, 727-734.

Christensen, A.-L. & Caetano C. (1997). Alexander Romanovitsch Luria (1902-1977): Contributions to neuropsychological rehabilitation. In Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 6, 279-303.

Teasdale, T.W., Skovdal Hansen, H., Gade, A. & Christensen, A-L. (1997). Neuropsychological test scores before and after brain-injury rehabilitation in relation to return to employment. In Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 7, 23-42.

Teasdale, T.W., Christensen, A-L., Willmes, K., Deloche, G., Braga, L.,  Stachowiak, F., Vendrell, J.M., Castro-Caldas, A., Laaksonen, R., & Leclercq, M. (1997). Subjective experience in brain-injured patients and their close relatives: A European Brain Injury Questionnaire study. In Brain Injury, 11, 543-563. 

Caetano, C & Christensen, A-L. (1997). The design of neuropsychological rehabilitation: The role of neuropsychological assessment. In J. León-Carrión (Ed.), Neuropsycholical rehabilitation - fundamentals, innovations and directions (pp. 63-72. Florida: GR/St. Lucie Press.

Christensen, A-L., Caetano, C., Rasmussen, G. & Teasdale, T.W. (1997). Post-acute neuropsychological treatment of the patient with cranial trauma. In A. Freddi (Ed.), Neurofisiopatologia e Riabilitazione (pp. 352-360). Rome: Editore Marrapese.

Christensen, A.L., Caetano, C. & Rasmussen G. (1997). Psycho-social outcome after an intensive, neuropsychologically oriented day program: Contributing program variables. In B.P. Uzzell (Ed.), Recovery after traumatic brain injury (pp. 235-246). New Jeasey: Lawrence Erlbaum.



Deloche, G., North, P., Dellatolas, G., Christensen, A-L., Cremel, N., Passadori, A., Dordain, M. & Hannequin, D. (1996). Le point de vue des patients et de leur entourage. Le handicap des adultes cérébrolésés. In Ann Réadaptation Méd Phys, 39,1-9.

Wilson, B.A., Green, R., Teasdale, T.W., Beckers, K., Della Sala, S., Kaschel, R., Schuri, U., Van der Linden, M. & Weber, E. (1996). Implicit learning in amnesic subjects: A comparison with a large group of normal control subjects. In The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 10, 279-292. 

Christensen, A-L. (1996). Is there a need for psychological interventions in primary care? In H.E. Diemath, J. Sommerauer & K.R.H. von Wild (Eds.), Brain protection in severe head injury - accident prevention, rescue systems and primary care. München: W. Zuckschwerdt Verlag.

Teasdale, T.W. & Siert, L. (1996). Rehabilitation for employment and leisure activities. In J. León-Carrión (Ed.), Neuropsychological rehabilitation: Fundamentals, directions and innovations (pp.469-482). Ft. Lauderdale FL: St. Lucie Press.



Christensen, A.-L. (1995). Functional Rehabilitation - European perspectives. In Editorial. Helioscope, 5.

Rosenberg, N.K., Sørensen, S.A. & Christensen, A.-L. (1995). Neuropsychological characteristics of Huntington´s disease carriers: A double blind study. In Journal of Medical Genetics, 32, 600-604.

Teasdale, T.W.,& Caetano, C. (1995). Psychopathological symptomatology in brain-injured patients before and after a rehabilitation program. In: Applied Neuropsychology, 2, 116-123.

Jørgensen, K., Christensen, A-L. (1995). The approach of A.R. Luria to neuropsychological assessment. In R.L. Mapou, & J. Spector  (Eds.), Neuropsychological Assessment of Cognitive Function (pp. 217-236). New York: Plenum Press.

Christensen, A-L., Teasdale, T.W. (1995). A clinical and neuropsychological led post-acute rehabilitation programme. In M.A. Chamberlain, V.C. Neumann, & A. Tennant (Eds.), Traumatic brain injury rehabilitation: Services, treatments and outcomes (pp. 88-98). London: Chapman & Hall.

Christensen, A-L., & Caetano, C. (1995). Sviluppo di un programma olistico di riabilitazione post-acuta. In M. Zettin & R. Rago (Eds.), Trauma cranico - conseguenze neuropsicologiche e comportamentali (pp. 145-152). Torino: Bollati Boringhieri.

Rasmussen, G. (1995). Aerobics with hemiplegie patients - results of physical aerobic fitness training in stroke rehabilitation. In M. Harrison (Ed.), Physiotherapy in Stroke Management (pp. 295-304). Edinburgh: Churchill Livingston.



Christensen, A.-L. & Teasdale, T.W. (1994). Family reactions to experienced changes in the patient.  In Giornale Italiano di Medicina Riabilitatia, 8, 242-246.

Christensen, A-L., & Willanger, R. (1994). Neuropsychology in Denmark. In: Neuropsychology Review, 4, 261-269.

Christensen, A-L. & Uzzell, B.P. (Eds.).(1994). Brain injury and neuropsychological rehabilitation – international perspectives. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Christensen, A-L. (1994). Visions for Rehabilitation. In A-L. Christensen & B. Uzzell (Eds.), Brain injury and neuropsychological rehabilitation - international perspectives (pp. 293-299). Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Risberg, J. & Randrup Jensen, L. (1994). The value of regional cerebral blood flow measurements in neuropsychological rehabilitation. In A-L. Christensen & B. Uzzell (Eds.), Brain injury and neuropsychological rehabilitation - international perspectives (pp. 71-83). Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Rasmussen, G. (1994). A new approach to physical rehabilitation. In A-L. Christensen & B. Uzzell (Eds.), Brain injury and neuropsychological rehabilitation - international perspectives (pp. 161-172). Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Teasdale, T.W. & Christensen, A.-L. (1994). Psychosocial outcome in Denmark. In A-L. Christensen & B. Uzzell (Eds.), Brain injury and neuropsychological rehabilitation - international perspectives (pp. 235-244). Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum.



Teasdale, T.W., Christensen, A-L., & Pinner, E.M. (1993). Psychosocial rehabilitation of cranial trauma and stroke patients. In: Brain Injury 6, 535-542.

Christensen, A.-L. (1993). Early neuropsychological rehabilitation. In K. von Wild, (Ed.), Spektrum der Neurorehabilitation - Frührehabilitation, Rehabilitation von Kindern und Jugendlichen, (pp. 239-241). München: W. Zuckschwerdt Verlag.

Christensen, A.-L. & Teasdale, T.W. (1993). A comprehensive and intensive program for cognitive and psychosocial rehabilitation. In F.J. Stachoviak, (Ed.), Developments in the assessment and rehabilitation of brain-injured patients (pp. 465-467). Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag.



Christensen, A.-L., Pinner, E.M., Pedersen, P.M., Teasdale, T.W. & Trexler, L.E. (1992). Psychosocial outcome following individualized neuropsychological rehabilitation of brain damage. In Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 85, 32-38.

Christensen, A.-L. (1992) Outpatient management and outcome in relation to work in traumatic brain injury patients. In Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitative Medicine, 26, 34-42.

Christensen, A-L. (1992). Controversial concepts of rehabilitation. In N. Steinbüchel & et al (Eds.), Brain damage and rehabilitation - a neuropsychological approach, (pp. 71-75). Berlin: Springer-Verlag. 



Christensen, A.-L., & Rosenberg, N.K. (1991). A critique of the role of psychotherapy in brain injury rehabilitation. In Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 6, 56-61.



Christensen, A.-L., Jensen, L. R. & Risberg (1990).  J. Luria's neuropsychological and neurolinguistic theory. In Journal of Neurolinguistics, 4, 137-154.

Christensen, A.-L. (1990). Neuropsychological approach to Alzheimer's dementia. Reprint from Psychogeriatrics: Biomedical and Social Advances, (pp. 169-174). Tokyo: Excerpta Medica.

Christensen,A.-L. (1990). Clinical neuropsychology in the early phase of rehabilitation of brain damage. In K.von Wild & H.-H. Janzik (Hrsg.) (Eds.), Neurologische Frührehabilitation (pp. 254-257). München: W.Zuckschwerdt Verlag.



Christensen, A.-L., Jensen, L.R. & Risberg, J. (1989). Luria´s psychological and neurolinquistic testing. In Journal of Neurolinguistics, 4, 137-154.

Christensen, A.-L., Pedersen, P. M., & Rosenberg, N.K. (1989). Neuropsychological rehabilitation of head trauma patients: The utilization of Luria's qualitative syndrome-analysis as a basis for a dynamic and educational treatment program for head trauma patients. In International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 12, 344.

Jensen, L.R. & Christensen, A.-L. (1989). The theory of A.R. Luria. Functions of spoken language in the development of higher mental processes. In Aphasiology, 3,  679-681.

Ellis, D. & Christensen, A.-L. (Eds.). (1989). Neuropsychological treatment after brain injury. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Christensen, A.-L. (1989). The neuropsychological investigation as a therapeutic and rehabilitative technique. In D. Ellis & A.-L. Christensen (Eds.), Neuropsychological treatment after brain injury, (pp. 127-150). Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.



Christensen, A.-L. & Uzzell, B., (Eds.). (1988). Neuropsychological rehabilitation. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Christensen, A.-L., Pinner M. & Rosenberg N. (1988). Program for rehabilitation of brain damage in Denmark. In A.L. Christensen & B. Uzzell (Eds.), Neuropsychological rehabilitation (pp. 115-124). Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.



Christensen, A.-L., Malmros, R. & Townes, B.D. (1987). Rehabilitation planned in accordance with the Luria Neuropsychological Investigation: A case history of a patient with left sided aneurism. In Neuropsychology, 1, 45-48.

Christensen, A.L. & Danielsen, U. (1987). Neuropsychological Rehabilitation in Denmark. In A.L. Benton & L. Diller (Eds.), Neuropsychological rehabilitation (pp. 381-386). London: Churchill Livingstone.



Christensen, A.-L. (1986). Applying Luria´s theory to the rehabilitation process of brain damage. In B. Uzzell & Y. Gross (Eds.), Clinical neuropsychology of intervention, (pp. 169-177).  Martinus Nijhoff Publishing. 



Christensen, A.-L. (1984).´Neuropsychological investigation with Luria´s methods. In Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, 10, 33-34.